Joyce Weinberg

AAFCS turns the spotlight on individuals, their experiences, and how they have benefited from AAFCS membership and/or family and consumer sciences programs. It offers an opportunity for you to share your story with your colleagues and the greater FCS community, inspire future FCS professionals, and strengthen awareness of the profession and association.

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Joyce Weinberg
New York, New York

Member since 2011

A new member, Joyce Weinberg is a culinary entrepreneur based in New York City.

How long have you been a member of AAFCS?
Since September of 2011

Why did you join AAFCS?
I’m a food expert and I run a company called City Food Tours. We specialize in doing tasting tours for students, showing them handmade, artisan foods and explaining how they’re made, their history, etc. We do tours for family & consumer science teachers, and being able to reach more of these educators is important.

Want to Connect? Contact Joyce through her website at

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