Gregg McCullough CFCS

AAFCS turns the spotlight on individuals, their experiences, and how they have benefited from AAFCS membership and/or family and consumer sciences programs. It offers an opportunity for you to share your story with your colleagues and the greater FCS community, inspire future FCS professionals, and strengthen awareness of the profession and association.

Isn't it your turn to grab the spotlight? Download a submission form here!

Gregg E. McCullough, CFCS
Shrewsbury, PA

Member since 1999

Why did you join AAFCS?
I joined AAFCS to network with other FCS professionals, enhance and further my education and knowledge of FCS, and share my perspective and expertise with fellow professionals.

How has membership in AAFCS been of value to you and your practice?
AAFCS membership has afforded me opportunities to attend educational events, serve as a leader in the profession, provided offers on materials and services, and has given me practical experience and information that I use in my work and everyday life.

Please complete the following sentence:
AAFCS is … an invaluable opportunity for FCS professionals to collaborate and advance the profession and those serving in it through a myriad of opportunities.

Please explain your answer.
AAFCS provides so many ways for professionals to be leaders at the affiliate and national levels, as well as on committees and communities. This not only allows them develop leadership skills and serve the association, but also to demonstrate their commitment as leaders to employers and others outside the profession. AAFCS also gives access to research in various areas of the profession to all professionals so that everyone may benefit from it and share. In addition to traditional AAFCS-sponsored conferences and events, webinars and other new opportunities are emerging for professional development as are events sponsored by similar organizations. AAFCS is a leading organization for FCS professionals.

Why did you choose the field of family and consumer sciences?
I chose FCS because I am very interested in working in a “hands-on” field where I can make an impact with families and individuals and therefore improving quality of life. Since families are the foundation of society, when families improve, so can society. Working in FCS can, consequently, help improve society.

Please share a few of your most recent accomplishments.
In April 2010, I began a two-year term as the Senior State President of the Ohio State Society Children of the American Revolution. In June 2010, I finished a three year term on AAFCS’ Awards and Recognition Committee, as well as my first term as treasurer for the Community of Elementary, Secondary, and Adult Education (ESAE). Since the 101st AAFCS Annual Conference & Expo, I have been serving as the vice chair of AAFCS’ Bylaws and Policies and Procedures Committee, and I began a second term as treasurer of the Community of ESAE.

Want to Connect? Contact Gregg at Gregg is also a member of the AAFCS LinkedIn group!

Read past spotlights: