
Standing Committees

Awards Committee

Composed of up to seven AAFCS members selected by the Board President and confirmed by the AAFCS Board of Directors.

To oversee awards and recognition by identifying award recipients, prospective jurors, and oversee jury processes. 

Finance Committee

Composed of the Treasurer, President, Executive Director, Chief of Staff, and one at-large member appointed by the Board of Directors.

To advice the Board of Directors to maintain the financial health of the organization. 

Nominating Committee

Composed of up to seven AAFCS members selected by the Board President and confirmed by the AAFCS Board of Directors. 

To identify candidates for Board Director-at-large and Officer positions. 

Ad Hoc Committees

Body of Knowledge Task Group

The FCS Body of Knowledge is the current framework that serves as the foundation for the field. 

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Grantmaking Committee

Composed of up to seven AAFCS members selected by the Board President and confirmed by the AAFCS Board of Directors.

To oversee grantmaking by identifying grant recipients, monitoring implementation and progress of funded projects, identifying prospective reviewers, and overseeing review processes. 

Task Force for Program Advancement

To support and strengthen the higher education units of AAFCS focusing on FCS departments and colleges by whatever name they are known (Family & Consumer Sciences, Human Ecology, Human Sciences, Health & Human Sciences, etc.). 

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