Task Force for Program Advancement

In 2020, the AAFCS Board of Directors reinstated the FCS Taskforce for Program Advancement (TFPA). The Task Force's mission is to support and strengthen the higher education units of AAFCS focusing on Family & Consumer Sciences departments and colleges by whatever name they are known (Family & Consumer Sciences, Human Ecology, Human Sciences, Health & Human Sciences, etc.). The focus will also be useful for non-AAFCS affiliated programs to proactively strengthen their position within their college or university.

Work of the Task Force

In order to have a systemic plan to support FCS higher education units, the TFPA has identified the following objectives and strategies to guide its work:

OBJECTIVE 1: Advocate for the FCS Profession

  • Strategy 1:1: Grow as a Local, State and National Force
  • Strategy 1.2: Develop an FCS Program Management and Marketing Success
  • Strategy 1.3: Orient New Administrators Responsible for FCS Programs

OBJECTIVE 2: Showcase the work of the FCS Profession as an Applied Science

  • Strategy 2.1: Increase the Number of National FCS-Related Partners, e.g., social services, non-profits, government agencies, etc. in the Alliance for FCS

Request Information/Assistance

Would you like to know more about the Task Force and its work?  Do you have a specific concern, issue, or question about higher education that you would like to share? Are you seeking assistance or support for sustaining your program? 

If YES, please complete the form linked below. 

TFPA Contact Form 

Share Information for Undergraduate Program Directory

The American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) is developing an "Undergraduate Program Directory" to provide information on undergraduate (associate and baccalaureate) degree programs associated with the "people-centered sciences" (Family and Consumer Sciences, Human Ecology, Home Economics, Human Services, Human Sciences) in the following content areas:

  • Culinary arts, hospitality, and tourism
  • Education and training
  • Food science and nutrition
  • Health management and wellness
  • Housing and interior design
  • Human/Child development and family relations (including Child Life)
  • Personal and family finance
  • Textiles, apparel and retailing


The listing of content-related programs in the directory will be for informational purposes only and does not constitute or imply endorsement or recommendation by AAFCS. Each program listing will offer: (1) Institution Name; (2) Program or Major; (3) Degree Type; (4) Website; (5) Contact Information.  

The directory will be a great resource to students are who exploring careers in the content areas and seeking institutions to begin their education on a career path. 

Learn More

Task Force Resources

The Task Force has compiled a variety of resources to assist FCS programs in the following areas:  

  • Advocacy and Awareness: Resources that aid in advocating for the importance and relevance of FCS programs.
  • Research and Trends: Latest research findings, reports, and trends in FCS, highlighting the evolving nature and importance of the discipline. 
  • Professional Development Tools: Materials for FCS faculty and staff development to utilize in helping to strengthen their respective FCS program.

Task Force Representatives

The following groups and perspectives are represented on the Task Force for Program Advancement:
  • AAFCS Assembly of Higher Education (AHE)
  • AAFCS Community of Colleges, Universities, & Research (CUR)
  • AAFCS Community of Extension
  • AAFCS Council for Accreditation
  • Extension Educators
  • Colleges of Agriculture
  • Council of 1890's FCS Administrators
  • Tribal Colleges & Universities
  • 1994 Tribal Colleges & Universities
  • Board on Human Sciences within the Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities (APLU)
  • Business and Industry
  • Council of Administrators of Family & Consumer Sciences (CAFCS)
  • LEAD FCS Education (FCS State Administrators & Teacher Educators)
  • National Council for Black Development in Family & Consumer Sciences (NCBDFCS)
  • Family & Consumer Sciences Credentialing Center
  • Central University (Provost) Administration
  • Northeast Network of the National Partnership to Recruit, Prepare & Support FCS Educators
  • Teacher Education & Graduate Programs
  • Administrators of Mid-Size Public Non-Land-Grant Universities