Groups, Units, Committees


An affiliate is an organization that supports the AAFCS's mission to improve the quality of life for individuals and families. Most states have an AAFCS affiliate organization that offers local opportunities for professional development and networking. 


Serve as a conduit of professional action, dialogue, and promotion of the AAFCS mission. 

Affiliate President Unit (APU) 

Composed of Affiliate Presidents and Presidents-elect to support the development of affiliate leaders. This Unit promotes professional development, networking, and collaboration among affiliates. They represent affiliates and members on the Leadership Council to provide advice and counsel to the Board of Directors.

Assembly of Higher Education (AHE)

Composed of all institutional members representing two-year associate, AAFCS accredited or not accredited baccalaureate, and/or graduate degree programs; and research and/or extension programs in family and consumer sciences (FCS) units in colleges and universities to bring together FCS administrators and faculty members from these programs to provide visionary foci for FCS programs in higher education. 

Leadership Council

Composed of representatives from Affiliate Presidents Unit, Assembly of Higher Education, Student Unit, Past Presidents Unit, AAFCS Board of Directors. Serves as the governance body of the organization by providing advise and counsel to the Board of Directors and reviewing and approving changes to the bylaws. 

Past President Unit (PPU)

Composed of AAFCS past presidents. They represent members on the Leadership Council to provide advice and counsel to the Board of Directors

Student Unit (SU)

Composed of AAFCS undergraduate and graduate student members to promote the development of student leaders, and professional development, networking, and collaboration among students and between the Student Unit and other AAFCS groups. They represent student members on the Leadership Council to provide advice and counsel to the Board of Directors.



Established by the Board of Directors and have a defined purpose and set of responsibilities.

Ad Hoc 

Appointed by the Board of Directors and given a specific charge. Upon completion of the assignment, the committee is dissolved.