Spring 2021 Professional Development Series

Adapting to a Changing Family and Consumer Sciences Landscape
The Tennessee Affiliate was approved in April 2021 to host a Spring 2021 Professional Development Series, via virtual webinars. Successful completion of this series will earn participants two (2) professional development units (PDUs) in the CFCS category. This PDU opportunity will be available until June 30th, 2021. 

This series was developed in an effort to provide TAFCS members with valuable content and education on a changing FCS landscape. The content of these presentations varies from industry practice to educational settings, however, each presentation contains knowledge that could be applied to any practitioner setting. 

Below you will find four presentations/content areas which were selected for inclusion in our first professional development series. These presentation/content areas include:

  1. Creating a Positive Online Learning Environment in Times of Change
  2. Teaching Educational Taxonomies Using Foldables
  3. STEM and FACS Content
  4. Content from the Promethean Foundation

The first three content areas include a narrated PowerPoint presentation, in addition to any handouts that were provided by presenters. The four content area is a link to the Promethean Foundation, a non-profit foundation whose goal is to achieve educational excellence in academic and character development.

The TAFCS Professional Development Series is open to all current TAFCS members. If you are not a current TAFCS member, please contact TAFCS 2020-2021 President Hannah Upole (hupole@tntech.edu) for information on membership rates and new-member offers!

Content Area #3
Content Area #4

Participant Assessment of Spring 2021 Professional Development Series

Upon completion of all four content areas (i.e. review of each content area), participants are then asked to complete the assessment form (linked below). This form asks participants to demonstrate an understanding of the four content areas through a series of open-ended questions, designed to be applicable to any practitioner setting. The completed form will then be forwarded to the TAFCS Board, who will provide completed PDU certificates to participants. PDU certificates will be e-mailed to participants upon approval of the assessment form, within two weeks of submission. 

Please complete the participant assessment form for the Spring 2021 Professional Development Series here: Participant Assessment Form

Thank you for your participation in the Spring 2021 Professional Development Series!